I’ve been waiting too long to write my first blog post, so it seems writing about the entire year just past is a good opportunity to break the seal. 2018 was the Year of the Dog, which kind of writes its own self-deprecating punchline - but I’m proud of the pictures posted and grateful for the experiences they represent.
In no particular order, here’s a collection of images from the past year.
Here’s a portrait of Ranee Parker, who I think did a great job designing my website. If you like what you see here, or are looking for a terrific person to collaborate with, look her up at https://www.raneeparker.com!
I’ve known Sean McManus for almost 15 years, and he lives and breathes music. He’s currently the executive director of Manitoba Music and a great representative for our province’s creative industry.
Joe Fafard is an internationally recognized and acclaimed artist. His whimsical pieces are instantly recognizable and happily, he’s a nice enough person to entertain a photographer’s request for a portrait. Winnipeggers may know the statue outside Mayberry Fine Art Gallery in the Exchange District — well, that’s Joe’s work, too.
David and Brooklyn form the folk duo Twin and I was really happy to spend time with them this year, producing some images for use in promotions and their website. They often make their way to performances via the Assiniboine or other rivers, echoing the way people used waterways as the earliest ‘highways’ in centuries past. It was only fitting we made our way to the riverbank in downtown Winnipeg for our time together.
I’m a big believer in personal projects, and self-assignments. And so it was that before 6 a.m. and in freezing winds, I made my way to the beautiful heritage-era Catholic cathedral of St. Edwards the Confessor in downtown Winnipeg on Easter Sunday, to witness the procession of icons throughout the neighbourhood.
It’s a tribute to the warmth and openness of the congregation that no one batted an eye at a stranger with a camera who accompanied them on their annual walk — I’m very grateful to them all. The memory of soft, golden morning light shining on us halfway through the event was a highlight of the year and one of my favourite images.
Dr. Wayne Lautt is one of the founders of Sci Mar, a biomedical company that is working on groundbreaking new ways to treat diabetes. I had the good fortune to meet Dr. Lautt and some of the brilliant people behind this venture at St. Boniface Hospital here in Winnipeg.
The annual Global Risk Institute holds its summit in Toronto, and it’s a fascinating glimpse into the financial industry and the various risks facing our money. My job this year was to document the event, both its speakers and the overall ‘feel’ of the event — an ideal assignment from over 20 years as a daily newspaper photographer.
It wouldn’t be a collection of my work without some street photography thrown in. My happiest memories of life are just wandering with a camera, whether here at home or in cities around the world like Bangkok, Paris, Beijing or Kathmandu. Whether familiar home territory or a whole new scene, nothing is more interesting to me than everyday life.
Newfoundland — what can I say, except that I love you? The very best part of Canada.
Rounding the corner at Portage & Main, that Winnipeggiest of places, I saw this, for a split second before the car drove away. For me, this picture is about the beauty of everyday life, and of serendipity. You just never know….
I was fortunate to make many portraits this year, and one of my favourites was of the wonderful Cheridan — a talented and fun model whom I met in the Exchange District for a shoot. She’s also an art history major and gave me one of the most articulate explanations of why she liked our photos I’ve ever read! She can be found on Instagram as VinylRaven and she’s got a growing fan base for her work in the cosplay scene.
Autumn brought me an assignment from UNIFOR to photograph the first annual Orange Shirt Day, to honour residential school survivors and contribute to the concept of reconciliation in Canada. There were many touching moments, laden with history, but this scene symbolized a lot for me — a long-ago residential student, all smiles and surrounded that day by love on the site of a former school.
Finally, a shot from the spring, when Canadian Press journalist Steve Lambert was kind enough to take me on a canoe tour of the Seine River. Who knew such tranquility lay in the middle of our city?