
The Golden Boy

It’s not unusual for it to be bitterly cold in December in Winnipeg, but Christmas Day brought a very mild evening and that is unusual. Seeing a faint moon, I took a hunch and wondered if it would rise behind the topper to our Legislative Building, the one and only Golden Boy.
Despite forgetting my glasses and gloves in my rush to beat the sunset, I managed to get a few images of the slender border between day and dusk. For those who are able, the time just after sunset is really magical right now with the light display at the Legislative Building grounds and I highly recommend it.

Golden Hour in the North End

I once had a friend tell me a photographer is a person who takes more pictures on vacation than they do at their work.

This rung true to me (it’s certainly been true for my vacations) and I was reminded of it again this week as I shivered on the Arlington Street Bridge in the frosty air of pre-dawn, waiting for the sun to rise over the wide expanse of the railyards that are the boundary of sorts where the fabled North End begins.

I could have taken the day to sleep in, but I knew a clear sunrise was probably only going to happen this once, before the really cold temperatures arrived and all that waiting became a lot less tolerable. So, on a day free I actually woke up earlier…and I’m so glad I did.
The railyard is a basic industrial site and not what many would consider a ‘pretty’ landscape — but I knew there was something special there, and in the right light at the right time it was certainly pretty to me. Here’s hoping you can step out of ‘autopilot’ for even a moment and see the beauty in everyday life.