
Faith and Rituals: Mexico

Recently, I took a long-overdue sun vacation in western Mexico, in the touristy-but-still-an-actual-town of Sayulita. Naturally I took my camera(s), but I didn’t think they would see anything more than a few obligatory sunset over the ocean waves scenes.

Now, I was hesitant to mention this trip at all because I aspire to much more than “here’s my holiday snaps”. But, as happens so often when you put yourself out there (or over there, in this case), wonderful and unexpected things happen. And those moments are when you most need a camera with you to feel and see it most deeply.

The end of the year brings the Christmas season, and Mexico is a deeply spiritual as well as a very vibrant and dynamic country. By complete chance, I was blessed to see a few passing scenes that felt very much at home with my long-running personal project on faith and ritual. Kicking off with a raucous Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the town square, followed shortly after by the most charming Santa Claus Parade I ever photographed (and I have photographed a lot after 20+ years of newspaper photography work) and culminating with a reverent Christmas Eve Mass, it felt like I was given far more than I could have even scripted. But isn’t that the best of what travel can give? The reality of life is that you can’t predict or control what happens, and the best of photographers (or writers, or musicians, or…) understand that. I’m not saying I do, but I do know I got a glimpse of that idea.

As the photos in this post show, there was a lot more than the events I mentioned above. And as dazzled and enamoured as I am with Mexico and its people, I know that I barely gathered a drop of the ocean of history, art, culture and depth of this wonderful country that my home in Canada shares this continent with.

A raucous celebration for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Sayulita, Mexico. Guadalupe is a central symbol for Mexico, and the Feast ritual celebrates the sighting of the Virgin Mary to a man in the 16th century.

Children from local schools take part in the annual Santa Claus Parade in the town square of Sayulita.

A boy gets his wings in preparation for a children’s procession at the Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, in Sayulita.

Children’s procession, main plaza in Sayulita, Mexico.

A church volunteer opens the windows of Sayulita’s Catholic Church for another day.

The piñata is a common Christmas fun activity for children in Mexico, here seen in front of the town’s Catholic Church located in the main plaza.

A woman holds the doll of the Christ Child, to be placed in the Nativity scene of the Catholic Church during a Christmas Eve mass.

A hawker carrying souvenirs to offer to tourists on the nearby Playa de los Muertos (beach) walks along a path through a cemetery along the oceanfront in Sayulita. Mexico is renowned for its annual Day of the Dead, which exemplifies the country’s unique approach to death and recognizing its place in life.

Road Trip America

Recently, I was backing up some hard drives and looking through some old DVD’s I’d copied files to — y’see kids, back in the old timey days we used drink coasters to store data on…it was a more innocent time.
Anyway, looking through digital files isn’t NEARLY as illuminating or serendipitous as actual prints or contact sheets, but there were some thought provoking surprises. Namely, some images from an old Canon point-and-shoot camera (remember kids, this was before we put those into our phones) of a month-long motorcycle trip looping through Montana and Wyoming, among other places.

The pictures that stood out for me were almost-casual, accidental photos, the photographic equivalent to doodling on a notepad while waiting on hold. With the passage of over 15 years (!) these images, which seemed throwaway at the time, take on a lot more resonance now.
Our view of the USA certainly has changed, and I wonder how many of the people I’d met back then would espouse some drastically different quirks, these days.

Apart from sharing some images I found interesting, what I hope to get across is to not take the here-and-now for granted — that the things you’d think someone weird for photographing (or, worse yet, attack them on social media) today mean something…and will only mean more once we’re removed from the distraction of the moment.
So, take a ton of photos. Print them ALL. And don’t lose them. Not on a phone, not on a hard drive or even a drink coaster.

Highway rest stop, Montana.

Highway rest stop, Montana.

Bar and Grill; Cody, Wyoming.

Bar and Grill; Cody, Wyoming.

Custom motorcycle; Devil’s Tower.

Custom motorcycle; Devil’s Tower.

Saloon, Wyoming.

Saloon, Wyoming.

Window display, Montana.

Window display, Montana.

Firetower Coffee House, 2005.

Firetower Coffee House, 2005.